Live at The Bell House: NY Torso Murders/ The murder of Imette St. Guillen/ The murder of Dee Dee Blanchard

Further reading for Richard Cottingham, the torso killer:

Richard Cottingham: The True Story of The Torso Killer: Historical Serial Killers and Murderers (True Crime by Evil Killers) (Volume 20)

Further media on The Dee Dee Blanchard murder:

Mommy Dead and Dearest


This episode is packed full of fun, its a live show that has guest comedian Jamie Lee and at the end brings in a super surprise appearance of the Lpotl guys to give recounts of their hometowns!

But first….the murders.

Richard Cottingham was a computer operator at Blue Cross and Blue Shield in 1966 NY, on all accounts he was well liked by his fellow worker and employers. Only later would they find out what sort of monster he truly was.

It started when firemen showed up to a fire in a seedy hotel not far from times square, inside one of the rooms they found the remains of two women. They were laid out on seperate beds but both had their heads and hands removed before being doused with lighter fluid and set on fire.

Cottingham is known to have killed nine females and attempted to kill four more, though as most killers, if you ask him, he claims to have killed well over a hundred. He was caught when taking a sex worker to the same hotel he had brought previous victims, and torturing her as he had others, the hotel security heard her screams and called the police. When they arrived, he tried to run but was caught and brought to the station.

As they searched his house, the police found mountains of evidence proving his guilt in what appeared to be a trophy room, including one the victims keys, earrings and other jewelry. In total Cottingham was convicted of five murders and sentenced to hundreds of years in prison.

Imettte St Guillen:

Imette was out celebrating her upcoming birthday with her friends, as 3:30 am rolled around they were ready to head home, and she wasnt. She decided to stay at The Falls nightclub by herself and was last seen at 4am.

Less then 17 hours later police were allerted to her body, an annonymous call was sent in reporting a nude female body in the park. The remains were soon identified as Imette, her fingernails broken, showing she put up a valliant fight. Her hands and feet were tied, and a sock was shoved down her throat, her head was wrapped in packaging tape, some of her hair cut off and her body showed signs of sexual assault.

The investigation revealed that Imette had been last seen at The Falls being escorted out by one of the bouncers. This bouncer had spent more then 12 years in prison for drug possession and robbery and was out on parole.

This bouncer, Darryl Littlejohn had his apartment searched where they found evidence linking him to the murder.

This helped create the laws for NY requiring cameras at the entrances and exits of all the nightclubs that held a “cabaret license” and scanning of all identifications so they can track who enters and leaves the bars, they must also take more care dealing with intoxicated female patrons.

The murder of DeeDee Blanchard:

This one is a doozie, and has since been made into a sensational movie. Its a story filled with twists and turns, Munchausen by proxy, scamming the system, secret lovers…. it doesnt let you down.

Episode 47: Live at the Bell House

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