Kind of Loco: The Texas Eyeball Killer/ Ed Kemper

Further reading on Ed Kemper & The Eyeball Killer

The Eyeball Killer

Edmund Kemper: The Life of the Co-Ed Killer (Biographies of Serial Killers)


Dec 1990, Mary Lou Pratt a local sex worker’s body was found in an Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas. Her body was found lying face up, wearing only a t-shirt. She had Ben shot in the back of the head and the medical examiner found that her eyeballs had been removed with extreme precision.

2 mos later Susan Peterson, a sex worker in the same area that Mary Lou worked, was found dead in the same area. She was shot to death, have 3 bullet wounds to her body and again the medical examiner found that her eyes balls had been removed with precision and care.

One more woman’s body would be found, Shirley Williams, a part time sex worker as the other victims was found in much the same regard. Nude, shot and he eyeballs removed.

Days after Shirley’s remains were found a witness came forward to give information on Charles Albright.

Albright was adopted early by Delle and Fred Albright who were very stocked and over protective. Delle would obsess over him, making him change his clothes multiple times a day for fear he would come in contact with germs. As he grew, she became more obsessive and abusive creating behavioral issues in Charles.

In his teenage years Charles was a petty thief, and arrested for aggravated assault. He was interested in taxidermy and wanted to be a surgeon, he went school majoring in pre-med but was kicked out when he was found with stolen items. It was his compulsion to steal that would continually rob Charles of any normalcy in his life.

March 22, 1991 police searched Albright property and turned up hints that he was involved in the murders. He was charged with 4 murders, one dating back to 1988.

Dec 18, Albright was found guilty of Williams murder and given a life sentence. He is currently in a psychiatric hospital and denies being the eyeball killer.

Good ole Ed.

Thanks to the great show Mindhunter, I think Ed Kemper aka the co-Ed killer is a really well known fella. However, if you don’t know about Ed his bizarre-o childhood, his crazy relationship with his mother and the crimes he went on to admit to and get convicted of then please hop on the link above and read about him.