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wanted William bradford bishop

Further reading for the Axe-man of New Orleans & William Bradford Bishop

The Terrible Axe-Man of New Orleans (Treasury of XXth Century Murder)

The Axeman of New Orleans: The True Story

Bradford Bishop and Other Serial Killers: A collection of True Crime


The Axe man of New Orleans was active in (as you can guess) New Orleans, Louisiana from May 1918 to October 1919. As the name implies, the victims were found bludgeoned to death by an axe, generally ones that belonged to them.

Most of the victims where Italian Americans, or Italian Immigrants this fact was sensationalized by the media trying to link the case to mafia relations. In most cases the murder gained entry to the houses by removing panels around the door and flooring. The crimes as well were not found to be motivated by robbery as nothing was taken and most times he left everything he had behind.

It is theorized that the killings were sexually motivated and that the attacker was a sadist seeking out women and he murder the men when they got in the way. Another theory (a very bizarre one) was that the murders were to promote jazz music as a letter attributed to the killer was found to read that if people played jazz music he would let them live.

The murderer was never found and the killings ended as quickly and strangely as they began.

And a one time 10 Most Wanted Fugitive.

On March 1st 1976, William Bradford Bishop left work early claiming illness after not recieving a much sought after promotion. It is believed that instead of going straight home, Bishop went to the bank, withdrew several hundred dollars, then went to a hardware store and purchased a sledgehammer, can of gas, shovel and pitchfork.

He then went home with all his gear, and it is believed he murdered his wife first, then him mother as she came home from walking the family dog, then his three sons as they slept in their beds upstairs.

Nobody noticed the family’s absence for 9 days, then a neighbor called the police after not seeing them for some time. The police found blood on the porch, the floor and the walls of the home. While in the woods they found a burning pile that ended up after dental records confirmed was the family (minus Bishop).

Bishop’s motive was never fully clear, its noted that he didnt like his job creating marital issues and financial issues.

But as of today, nobody knows where he is or why he did it.

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